Sunday, May 21, 2006

Hello Everyone, well my name is Joe. Since I was eleven I have been struggling to lose weight. I was in a weight loss study and lost 20 pounds and gained back 50. When I reached my peak weight of 215 pounds I knew i had to do something since I was only 15 years old and I was extremely obese. I then signed up with WW and lost 35 pounds and felt like crap. I was hardly eatting and I was always hungry. Thats when I quit WW and tried to lose weight on my own. I started to gain the weight back. I said to myself no, this is not happening again. That was when I found HERBALIFE!! I lost over 30 POUNDS!!! My energy WENT THROUGH the roof and I am not hungry and I feel GREAT!! All together I LOST 61 POUNDS!!!!!! I LOVE HERBALIFE!!!

Herbalife - a business model that works!
Could you see yourself servicing 20 repeat clients if all you had to do was make sure
1) they were getting value from using their products and
2) they knew you cared about them

Did you know you don't have to be a math major to understand our compensation plan?
1) Our average client orders approx. $150/mo on an autoship plan at a 35% discount.
2) We get credit for the full retail amount of all orders, so $150 * 20 clients = $3,000 in sales volume/mo (20 clients = stable volume)
3) We get paid to teach others to service 20 clients, so if you teach 5 to service 20 clients/mo, that's $3,000 * 5 = $15,000 in sales/mo

If you help those 5 teach 5, that's $3,000 * 25 = $75,000 in sales/mo. That's $90,000 in sales/mo that you helped produce for the company!

In our company, if you produce $90,000 in sales/mo you get paid a royalty of $4500 plus a production bonus of $3600, which is $8,100/mo in residual income.

It's not based on hours worked, but effective mentoring and great customer service.

Does your compensation plan work like this?

How many people have you mentored for your company and you still have to work the same hours and receive the same pay?

Our compensation plan allows us to mentor as many people as we want! That means our income grows exponentially and that's the facts.

We are looking for people that excel in a customer service environment, have a flare for customer retension and are excited to help someone else become successful. To request an appointment go to and follow the steps.

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